Our focus this quarter is "Health Matters!"

We want to see our members grow in Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Health. We've prayerfully and thoughtfully planned out several events, messages, trainings, studies, and more over the next 3 months that are designed to help you become a healthier disciple!

Click the links below to register for events/classes or to receive text alerts about everything Health Matters. You'll also receive weekly devotionals that will help you stay focused on the Word of God and your health!
Biggest Loser Challenge:

Starting May 20th, DC3 will be starting the Biggest Loser Challenge! This challenge is aimed at inspiring members of DC3 and the community to commit to healthy practices that could culminate in the loss of body weight, inches, and other health benefits. Please see rules below.

1st Place Prize = $100 Gift Card
2nd Place Prize = $75 Gift Card
3rd Place Prize = $50 Gift Card

1. Participants in the Biggest Loser Challenge must register online. Click on link at the bottom of this section to register.

2. Winners will be determined by way of data tracking, so participants must enter their data every week of the competition to be considered for the certificates/prizes.

3. Weekly submissions must be turned in by Friday at 5:00 PM. Weekly submission dates: 5/24, 5/31, 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28, 7/5, 7/12, 7/19, 7/26, 8/2.

4. Monthly winners will receive certificates of recognition for their winning.

5. Winners of the Biggest Loser Challenge (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place) will be announced during service on August 4, 2024. As such, the last day of entering weekly data will be Friday, August 2, 2024 at 5:00 PM. Winners will be determined by end of day on Saturday, August 3rd, and announced the following day during service.

6. Since data tracking will be done remotely, this competition will operate under the Honor Code. We urge participants to be honest when submitting their numbers. Remember, the Lord Jesus Christ is watching this competition as much as we are.
Meatless Mondays & Water Wednesdays:

Every Monday, we're challenging our members to fast from meat
Every Wednesday, we're challenging our members to drink only water - try for a minimum of 64 oz (that's 8-8oz glasses of water a day)

This is not a requirement, just something we want to promote to encourage you all in your health journey! 
Grief Counseling:

Grief counseling takes place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM. Be sure to register above!

Workout sessions are hosted by certified exercise professionals and free of charge to you! There are several workout dates/times/sessions throughout the month, so be sure to stay tuned to the health matters page for updates!

Registration is required.
Email: HealthMatters@dc3online.org 
if you have any questions or for more info!